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Posted by:
Posted on:
June 11, 2024
Posted in:
Game Deals, Legend of Zelda News, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo News, Zelda 3DS |
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3DS, is it worth it?
The Zelda game thet everyone’s been clamoring for since the release (and even before the release) of Ocarina of Time 3D last year, is Its sequel, Majora’s Mask, and whether or not Nintendo will be making the game at all. The point we will be discussing in this article is:
- Is it worth it to make? If so, Why?

Posted by:
Posted on:
February 23, 2024
Posted in:
Zelda 3DS |
Seems like Nintendo is spilling the beans about Zelda 3DS. Eiji Aonuma has announced that Nintendo is busy working on Zelda 3DS via SpotPass notification. There’s no information on what the new Zelda is, but we’re hoping there’s going to be information on it at the Game Developer’s Conference.

Posted by:
Posted on:
January 17, 2024
Posted in:
Zelda 3DS |
I didn’t really expect this to be true anyways. According to GlitterBerri, the one who hosts several translations for the Zelda Mangas as well as used to host Hyrule Historia, she has come up and mentioned how by just the title names themselves you can tell that it was fan made.
-Using を instead of の, which renders it completely nonsensical
-Writing “fire” in kanji and “ice” in katakana makes the titles inconsistent. They should either write both in katakana or both in kanji
Doesn’t surprise me that she would find that out. I don’t know much about Japanese, but I can see how that would work out.

Posted by:
Posted on:
January 16, 2024
Posted in:
Zelda 3DS |
Seems like there are rumors of the two Legend of Zelda titles for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS titles called “Fire Prophesy and Ice Prophesy”. The sources for these rumors have surfaced from 4chan, so it is quite possible the information is incorrect or fan-made. I have reasons to believe the information is fake due to the fact of the logos looking unprofessional as well as Nintendo not releasing much information on the game and its status. I’m betting how they named Skyward Sword as just “Legend of Zelda” as its tentative title, the same would be for Zelda 3DS.
What are your thoughts?
Ethereal Flames Design
Inertia Gaming
Generation Pokemon
Nintendo Nebula
Link's Hideaway
North Castle
Portal to Hyrule
Zelda Eternity
