In the time you were absent, I developed a more teenage mind in which I can use to fit images perfectly into any post I so desire. Except I don't...
What doesn't make sense is that TMC is linked directly with SS. I understand the Loftwing is linked with the people "in the skies" and birds in...
I can see the staff board. [IMG]
The trick to getting an A rating is to go through as fast as you can while utilizing as much as you can. The trick to an S is to be drunk or be...
To customize a laptop fully, it has to be built from scratch. And it's a lot more difficult and costly than building a tower pc.
Link's Awakening The Minish Cap Oracles my top three, not into remembering why I love them all. lol
Consists of three things. Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana. It's like learning English, but you need to learn how to pronounce and speak quickly. Or else....
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] These are just the recent ones from the past month.
I'm just refurbished. Hello.
Separate names with a comma.