Origin of the Names of Link, Zelda, and Impa revealed in Hyrule Historia

Ever wondered why they named the Zelda characters certain names? Well it seems like the Hyrule Historia book has revealed the idea behind their names. Impa, Zelda’s guardian, was named after the word impart. If you don’t know what impart means, it means “1. To grant a share of; bestow. 2. To make known; disclose. 3. To pass on; transmit” which fits Impa who revealed some special information to Link. As for Zelda, she was named after Zelda Fitzgerald who is known for her beauty. Link was named as he was supposed to “link the the energy throughout the world and transcend time” according to Shigeru Miyamoto.

Seems interesting. I wonder if it’ll mention the reasonings behind other Zelda character names?



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