Legend of Zelda News:

Welcome to Version 4!

Posted by on February 6th, 2015

After many months of planning (and sidetracking), we are happy to release version 4 of our website, dubbed “Responsive”. What is responsive? Well let’s let Wikipedia explain it for us!

Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).

In short, this design is optimal for mobile devices, like iPhones, iPads, Androids, Window phones and even your personal computer. It shrinks and expands depending on your browser size! You can even get the mobile device if you shrink your computer’s browser! Go on! Do it! :D

Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, let me introduce some new things for the site as well as fixes:

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Site Update: The Wind Waker HD Guides

Posted by on September 27th, 2013

As some of you from our Zelda Forums may know, I’ve been working on and off again on some The Wind Waker guides for Zelda Sanctuary. Some of these guides include how to collect all the Pieces of Heart in The Wind Waker as well as find the hidden Tingle Statues.

The guides currently are still works in progress as we gather screenshots as well as improve the look of the pages.

Finally, I would like to say that we are working on a The Wind Waker Walkthrough for the site. It will include screenshots, artwork, and a video walkthrough for the game. In the future, we will also work on a The Wind Waker HD Walkthrough which will be similar to the original walkthrough, however it will include and note all the changes from the original game.

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An Update to Zelda Sanctuary

Posted by on August 14th, 2013
four links

As many people know on our Facebook page, I have been busy with several projects on the site. Namely, I’ve been busy with preparing and writings three walkthroughs for the website: A Link to the Past Walkthrough, The Minish Cap Walkthrough, and Twilight Princess Walkthrough. Out of these, the Twilight Princess walkthrough is currently about 50% completed and should be completely written within the next month or two with screenshots and video walkthrough coming soon after.

After these walkthroughs are written, I will be working on the guides for the same games. There will be a detailed guide on defeating bosses, gathering Pieces of Hearts, and collecting other items and goods.

If you want to keep up-to-date with updates about our content, please see our Facebook page or register on our Zelda Forums!

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Random Zelda Quote

"I have scattered the seeds of the future" - King of Hyrule

Did you know?

  • ...In A Link to the Past, Link's Grandfather says "Zelda is your..." but this was editted in the Gameboy Advance remake. This line made people think that Princess Zelda was Link's sister or relative."
  • ...That there is a hidden room in A Link to the Past called the Chris Hooligan room? This was sadly left out for some reason and can only be accessed by glitching the game. Sadly there is nothing of use in the room but a handful of Rupees.
  • ...That the Sorceress Sisters Twinrova (Koume and Kotake) are Ganondorf's surrogate mother?

Featured Zelda Wiki Article

Demise, also known as the Demon King, is the true form of The Imprisoned and the true antagonist of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. When defeated by Link, he places a curse on Link and Zelda, stating that a reincarnation of his hatred will ever follow those who contain the Spirit of the Hero and the Blood of the Goddess".
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Zelda Sanctuary is a Legend of Zelda News source that was established in 2011. We have the best Zelda Walkthroughs and best Zelda guides available to assist you on your quest to save Hyrule.

This website contains a responsive design which works both on your phone, tablet, or home computer. If you have problems with the design working as intended, please send us an email through our Contact page.

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